Demon Slayer Official Season 5 In Hindi Dubbed HASHIRA TRAINING



Demon Slayer Season 5 In Hindi Dubbed HASHIRA TRAINING

Demon Slayer Season 5 In Hindi Dubbed HASHIRA TRAINING

मुज़ान किबुत्सुजी को हराने के लिए

Season 5 Episode 1 In Hindi
S5 E1-To Defeat Muzan Kibutsuji

Kagaya's Kasugai Crow suddenly appears in front of Tamayo and invites her to the Demon Slayer headquarters — even though she is a demon. Meanwhile, after receiving a letter from Kagaya at the Butterfly Mansion, Tanjiro pays a visit to Giyu, who is not participating in the Hashira Training. At first, Tanjiro is rejected by Giyu but patiently continues to try to talk to him. Giyu, who gives in to Tanjiro's persistence, begins to share the reason why he won't participate in the training.

पानी हाशिरा गियू तोमीओका का दर्द

Season 5 Episode 2 In Hindi
S5 E2-Water Hashira Giyu Tomioka's Pain

Kagaya's Kasugai Crow suddenly appears in front of Tamayo and invites her to the Demon Slayer headquarters — even though she is a demon. Meanwhile, after receiving a letter from Kagaya at the Butterfly Mansion, Tanjiro pays a visit to Giyu, who is not participating in the Hashira Training. At first, Tanjiro is rejected by Giyu but patiently continues to try to talk to him. Giyu, who gives in to Tanjiro's persistence, begins to share the reason why he won't participate in the training.

पूरी तरह से ठीक हो चुका तंजीरो हशीरा प्रशिक्षण में शामिल हुआ!!

Season 5 Episode 3 In Hindi
S5 E3 Fully Recovered Tanjiro Joins the Hashira Training!!

After talking with Tanjiro, Giyu is able to overcome his past self and decides to join the training. Meanwhile, Tanjiro's wounds have healed enough to join the training, and heads to his first training with the former Hashira, Uzui.

किसी के चेहरे पर मुस्कान लाने के लिए

Season 5 Episode 4 In Hindi
S5 E4-To Bring a Smile to One's Face

After completing training with Uzui, Tanjiro visits the Tokito residence next. The Demon Slayer swordsmen who have already started the training are dispirited by Muichiro's intense training and harsh words. Tanjiro hears the swordsmen discussing if there's anything they can do about it...

मैंने राक्षसों को भी खा लिया

Season 5 Episode 5 In Hindi
S5 E5-I Even Ate Demons

After completing Mitsuri's training, Tanjiro heads to train with Iguro. When he arrives at the training site, Iguro is waiting for him, visibly angry. Will he be able to complete this horrifying training where he'll have to fix his sword skills?

दानव कातिलों की वाहिनी में सबसे मजबूत

Season 5 Episode 6 In Hindi
S5 E6-The Strongest of the Demon Slayer Corps

Tanjiro and Zenitsu head to Himejima's training site deep in the mountains and reunite with Inosuke and Murata. Tanjiro first starts the training by being hit by a waterfall but struggles with the coldness and weight of the water.

स्टोन हाशिरा ग्योमी हिमेजिमा

Season 5 Episode 7 In Hindi
S5 E7-Stone Hashira Gyomei Himejima

Tanjiro was struggling with Himejima's tasks. Now he finally manages to move the boulder after receiving advice from Genya, whom he meets by chance. With this breakthrough, will Tanjiro be able to overcome Himejima's rigorous training?

हशीरा यूनाइट

Season 5 Episode 8 In Hindi
S5 E8-The Hashira Unite

During a silent night when the moon shines, Kagaya finally meets Muzan Kibutsuji, who appears at the Ubuyashiki Mansion.

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